Bassai Dai Yoi. Bring feet together, left hand covering right fist.Both arms low and to the front. (1) Raise right knee high to block to the front. Step forward with right foot then follow with left into right leg forward cross over leg stance with mid-level augmented backfist. (N) (2) Pivoting on right foot, spin 180 degrees behind and step into left forward stance with left inside forearm block. (S) (3) Right inside forearm block. (S) (4) Pivoting on left foot, spin 180 degrees behind into right forward stance with left outside forearm block. (N) (5) Right inside forearm block. (N) (6) Draw right foot back to left, turn body 90 degrees to the right into feet together stance with right hand circular down block and immediately step forward into right forward stance with right outside forearm block. (E) (7) Left inside forearm block. (E) (8) Shift body 90 degrees to the left and draw back left foot slightly into horse stance, load up hands on right hip (right fist knuckles down, left hand open on top of right). Slow left sweep block to the front. (N) (9) Right mid-level punch. (N) (10) Right inside forearm block. (N) (11) Left mid-level punch. (N) (12) Left inside forearm block. (N) (13) Draw left foot halfway toward right. Step forward into right back stance with knife block. (N) (14) Step forward into left back stance with knife block. (N) (15) Step forward into right back stance with knife block. (N) (16) Step backward into left back stance with knife block. (N) (17) Slide left foot over slightly into left forward stance with right upward circular block in to open left hand (move ends with right hand open face-level and left hand on right wrist). (N) (18) Pull both hands into a loaded fist position on left hip. Right (low) turning side kick to the front. Kiai!!! (N) (19) Pivoting on left foot, spin 180 degrees behind. Draw right foot back into left back stance with knife block. (S) (20) Step forward into right back stance with knife block. (S) (21) Draw right foot back to left into feet together stance bring both arms in front of body (hands together and open, palms facing forward, groin level). (S) (22) Slowly raise hands to chest level, quickly break into wedge block while simultaneously raising right knee high to block to the front. (S) (23) Step forward into right modified back stance with double inward hammer fists (mid-level). (S) (24) Draw right foot back slightly and then quickly forward again into right forward stance with mid-level front punch. (S) (25) Pivoting on right foot, spin 180 degrees behind into left forward stance with left inward press block and right low knife strike (left hand ends open and on top of right bicep). (N) (26) Draw left foot back to right and pivot body 90 degrees to the right with left down block and right upper-level backfist to the rear. (E) (27) Pivot body back 90 degrees to the left and raise right knee high to block to the front. Step forward with right (after knee block) into horse stance with right down block. (N) (28) Left slow slap block 180 degrees behind. (S) (29) Right crescent kick into open left hand. (S) (30) Land (after kick) in horse stance with right cross elbow attack into open left hand. (E) (31) Punch downward with right hand (left fist goes to right bicep). (E) (32) Punch downward with left hand (right fist goes to left bicep). (E) (33) Punch downward with right hand (left fist goes to right bicep). (E) (34) Load up fists on left hip. Pivoting on left foot, turn 90 degrees to the right into right forward stance with U-punch (left fist face-level, right fist mid-level). (S) (35) Draw right foot back to left, load up fists on right hip. Raise left knee high to block to the front and then step forward into left forward stance with U-punch (right fist face-level, left fist mid-level). (S) (36) Draw left foot back to right, load up fists on left hip. Raise right knee high to block to the front and then step forward into right forward stance with U-punch (left fist face-level, right fist mid-level). Kiai!!! (S) (37) Pivoting on right foot, spin 90 degrees to the right with left into long left forward stance with right scooping inside forearm block. (W) (38) Pivoting on left foot, spin 180 degrees behind into long right forward stance with left scooping inside forearm block. (E) (39) Draw left foot halfway toward the right. Step forward with right at a 45 degree angle to the right front into right back stance with knife block. (NE) (40) Slowly draw right foot and right hand 90 more degrees to the right (as if to throw an opponent). (SE) (41) Look 180 degrees behind. Step right foot behind left and then left foot forward into left back stance with knife block. (NW) (42) Draw left foot back to the right into feet together stance and pivot body 45 degrees to the right. Left hand covering right fist, both arms low and to the front. (N) Yame.